Montgomery Awards – Call for Entries
The Montgomery County Planning Commission invites you to nominate a project for a 2021 Montgomery Award. The Montgomery Awards Program is a prestigious annual program that promotes outstanding design, innovative planning, and leadership and advocacy in Montgomery County. Since 1967, we have presented 222 awards that acknowledge the exceptional vision and commitment of communities, organizations, and professionals. All of our winners have enhanced our communities and contributed significantly to our great county.
We invite you to become part of this distinguished legacy by submitting a nomination for a 2021 Montgomery Award. We are looking for the best in planning, design, and advocacy in Montgomery County. Nominate a land development project for a Montgomery Award or a person or organization that has significantly contributed to advancing planning in Montgomery County for a Planning Advocate Award.
The Montgomery County Conservation District is partnering with the Planning Commission to offer an Environmental Stewardship Award as part of the Montgomery Awards Program. Nominate a project, completed in the past three years, that exemplifies the practices of environmental stewardship and conservation for water and soil quality.
All entries may be submitted online or by mail. The deadline for nominations is the end of day on March 31, 2021.
For more information, please click here.