Conservation Tool Trailer
The Conservation Planting Trailer was created by the Southeast PA Resource, Conservation and Development Council (SEPA RC&D Council) to assist conservation groups with their planting projects. The trailer is fully stocked with anything you could need to have a successful planting event, and you can lock it up overnight at your site. It helps to have the right tools for the job, and to have access to those tools at your planting site. Click here to find out more.
Any member of the SEPA RC&D Council can sign up to borrow the trailer. If you are interested in borrowing the tool trailer for a conservation project, please become a member, and contact the Watershed Specialist for your county to schedule your dates:
Montgomery: Brian Vadino,
Chester: Call (610) 925-4920
Delaware: Karen Wilwol, 610-892-9484
Bucks: Meghan Rogalus,