Upcoming Events
Soil Health Day
3/28/24 & 3/29/24 Resources Webinar for EACs
(Same agenda, two sessions offered).
Environmental Advisory Committees add value to their municipalities by promoting policies and proposing projects that benefit the local environment. County and state agencies have resources that can assist EACs in their mission, but these resources may not be familiar to EAC staff. The Montgomery County Planning Commission has organized this webinar to assist local EACs as they educate, promote, and advocate on environmental issues. In addition to our own staff, we have invited the Montgomery County Conservation District and WeConservePA to be a part of this webinar. EAC members who attend will learn what resources are available from all three agencies and will have an opportunity to network with other municipal EACs.
The meeting is open to members of EACs in Montgomery County. In addition, if your municipality is considering forming an EAC or if you have a committee similar to an EAC, such as a shade tree commission, please consider sending a representative.
Stormwater Maintenance for Landscape Professionals – 4/1/22
Stormwater Maintenance for Landscape Professionals Free Workshop!
4/1/22 at Perkiomen Township Building
Register today! Registration space limited.
Spring Pasture Webinar Series April 13 and April 20, 2021 from Noon-1:00
To view the flyer, click here. To register, click here.
Topics will include Pasture seeding and soil testing, Manure composting, Spring pasture management tips, and Manure management for fly control.
Stormwater Maintenance for Homeowners Associations and Property Management Companies – A Free webinar sponsored by the Southeast Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts and the SEPA RC&D Council
March 17, 2021 from 9 to 11 AM. For additional information, please see the flyer. Registration may be made through the flyer or by clicking here.
Shannon Healy’s presentation – “Conservation Districts and the Notice of Termination Process” – (225MB) – https://montgomer376-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/jmckenna_montgomeryconservation_org/EXnLDRQRQ9FIn2PcfhLJJsAB0f-u2QMBLPZW7vX-dQ9lOw?e=Idgb1O
Carl Weiner’s presentation on Homeowners Association Law (635 MB) – https://montgomer376-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/jmckenna_montgomeryconservation_org/EfsQF1G1rj5BvwIqRhEAgTwBKUAsKezk_2ECxvMZhsbKaw?e=T3dNfd
Jeffrey Wert’s presentation – “Homeowner Associations – Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Management Systems” (291 MB) – https://montgomer376-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/jmckenna_montgomeryconservation_org/EV-2U2T61_lHo-U55e3raZIBGPnV8Qq6CUCaCcLmTDxiaw?e=1pJIkh
Zach Shearon’s presentation “BMP Establishment / Maintenance / Repair” & the final Q&A (397 MB) – https://montgomer376-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/jmckenna_montgomeryconservation_org/EfdiZT9vLSBPg84IvTUBKpcBkbAE-OQE-jk7C_mfj7PgmQ?e=TZtn3d
A link for the entire presentation (1.62 GB) – https://montgomer376-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/jmckenna_montgomeryconservation_org/Efe0YQbDIiJCpEO7KHfimfoB7ZWv0XYcGnDxCQW1m2FOzA?e=4gFG0D. It is also available on youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOLVFRM1iQ8.
Greener Pastures begin with Fall Pasture Management – A Free Webinar
December 3, 6:30-8:30 PM For additional information or to Register, please click here.
Ag workshop covering topics of pest management, erosion control and manure management. Pesticide credits offered and dinner is included! Check-in and dinner begins at 5:30 PM with presentations 6:00-9:00 PM. @ Caitlyn & Cody’s Diner, Quakertown. $5 registration fee. Registration Required. Click here to register by March 6th.
Navigating your MS4 Needs: A Teamwork Approach – 11/21/19
Montgomery Country Conservation District is presenting an MS4 Workshop for Municipal Officials at Skippack Township on November 21, 2019 from 9:00 – 12:00. Registration for the event is now available by clicking here. For the event flyer, please click here.
The following presentations are now available for download:
DEP MS4 Presentation
MRC Basin Presentation
New Construction Impacts Presentation
Equine Pasture Nutrition and Management Workshop 6/13/2019
An Equine Pasture Nutrition and Management Workshop will be held at the Montgomery County 4-H Center in Creamery, PA on Thursday June 13th from 6:30-8:30. For additional information, please see the event flyer by clicking here.
Engineers Workshop – 3/29/19
Available pdf files of the presentations and links to videos from the Workshop –
Advances in Rain Garden Design – An Engineered Approach – Dr. Robert Traver, Villanova Universit(pdf)
Detention Basin Design using Rational Hydrographs
Tom Smith, PE
Riparian Buffers in a Ch. 102 BMP and PCSM Context
Matthew J. Ehrhart, Stroud Water Research Center
Developers Workshop: February 13th, 2019
.pdf files of the presentations from the Developers Workshop are now available by clicking the links below.
Introduction to NPDES
Notice of Termination
Testing To Help Your Project Succeed
Spotted Lanternfly Info Session
Thursday, September 20th
6:30 pm
Registration Required. Click HERE to register
Pottstown Borough Hall
100 E High St, Pottstown, PA
Attend to learn about the Spotted Lanternfly in your community. Presenters from the Montgomery and Berks County Conservation Districts will provide information and background, control strategies, and answer questions.
MCCD will be hosting two workshops for Environmental Advisory Councils. Please see press release below, including link to register in press release. Free registration is required.
Press release:
Montgomery County EAC Workshops
Monday, Sept. 17
Perkiomen Township Building
1 Trappe Road
Collegeville PA 19426
Thursday, Sept. 27
Ambler Borough Hall
131 Rosemary Avenue
Ambler, PA 19002
Contact: Jessica Moldofsky