Master Watershed Stewards Making Strides to Protect PA’s Streams

Penn State Extension has released the 2016 annual report for the Master Watershed Steward program.  Montgomery County Conservation District, Penn State Extension, and various local partners have worked to train and provide volunteer activities for Master Watershed Stewards in Montgomery County since 2014.  Statewide, there are now 150 Stewards working to restore waterways and educate residents in 11 counties.

In 2016, these stewards recorded 3,662 volunteer hours, which is valued at $85,690!  During those hours, they implemented rain gardens, planted trees, conducted outreach, created habitat areas, constructed rain barrels, and more.  Click here to read the full report.

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Mission Statement
To protect and improve the quality of life of the residents of Montgomery County and surrounding communities by providing, in cooperation with others, timely and efficient service, education, and technical guidance, for the wise use of our soil, water, and related resources.

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday
8:15AM – 4:15PM