Ag Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP)
Funding available for conservation work on farm!
Montgomery County Conservation District is pleased to announce that a delegation agreement has been signed with the State Conservation Commission (SCC) to implement the Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP) within Montgomery County. In fiscal year 2022-23, the SCC was provided a one-time allocation of $154 million under the newly created Clean Streams Fund to support development of the Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP). The original source of funding is through the American Rescue Plan Act. The program will provide financial and technical assistance for the implementation of agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs), focusing on those which reduce nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment loss. Montgomery County will be receiving $1.4 million to be committed by December 31, 2024 and spent by December 31, 2026.
Eligible Best Management Practices (BMPs) include: Waste Storage, Heavy Use Area Protection, Grassed Waterway, Diversion, Stream Crossing and Cover Crop among several others. Practices must be installed to meet NRCS design criteria and project costs are subject to prevailing wage. Montgomery County Conservation District will be reimbursing eligible project costs at a 90% rate, with 10% match requirement by the applicant. Applications are now being accepted and will be accepted on an ongoing basis until funds are spent.
Visit the ACAP webpage on the MCCD website for the application form, policy document, and BMP list.