2023 NACD poster contest
Calling all students!
Poster Contest – Call for Entries!
The National Association of Conservation Districts is holding their annual poster contest. Montgomery County Conservation District is now accepting poster entries from all K-12 students; focused on the 2023 theme “One Water”. Posters should be 14”x22” in size, half a typical poster size.
Winner from Montgomery County will be sent to the State level, for entry into the National Competition!
Submission Details:
1. Due to Montgomery County Conservation District by June 2, 2023
2. Hand drawn 14”x22” posters accepted, with a digital option for grades 7-12
3. Official them and/or logo “One Water” should be on each poster
4. Accepting submission from all K-12 students within Montgomery County
5. Submissions can be mailed or emailed, must include Poster Contest Entry Form
Questions and submissions can be directed to: Abigail Reiter, areiter@montgomeryconservation.org, (610) 489-4506 x24
143 Level Road Collegeville, PA 19426