MCCD Office Opening at 10:15 AM on 2/6

Following the County’s closure schedule, MCCD will have a delayed opening on Thursday 2/6. The office will open at 10:15AM. Thank you for your understanding.

2025 Trees for Watersheds Grant Round is Open!

The Montgomery County Conservation District is excited to announce that the 2025 Trees for Watersheds (TfW) grant round is officially open.  The deadline for submitting grant applications to Montgomery County Conservation District (for project sites located within Montgomery County) is February 28, 2025. 

Since 2005, Trees for Watersheds (formerly TreeVitalize Watersheds), led by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) in the five-county southeastern Pennsylvania region, has focused on tree planting along stream corridors, wetlands, adjacent upland areas, headwaters, and naturalized stormwater basins. Through this program, dozens of watershed restoration projects are conducted throughout the region every year, resulting in well over 100,000 trees planted in sensitive water protection zones. The program receives funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and corporate sponsors Aqua PA and PECO, as well as substantial in-kind contributions from various partners.

For information pertaining to program guidelines, timelines, and application instructions, please refer to the 2025 TfW Grant Program Announcement and other (attached) grant application documents.  These documents are also available for viewing and downloading from the following link:

We highly encourage prospective grant applicants to review all grant application documents carefully prior to reaching out with questions.  Please also note that 2024 Trees for Watersheds grantee organizations who cancelled their awarded project(s) for any reason will be required to resubmit such grant applications on or prior to February 28, 2025, to be eligible for funding consideration during this 2025 Trees for Watersheds grant round.   With questions, please contact Brian Vadino,

REMINDER – PAG02 Expiration 12/7

UPDATE: All permit renewal applications submitted by 12/7/24 will be processed and permit coverage will not lapse. Thank you for your patience as we work through the renewal applications in queue.

REMINDER! The NPDES PAG02 permit coverage expires on 12/7. All open permits need to be renewed or terminated. Please submit your renewal application and/or NOT paperwork to MCCD. It is recommended that you submit a renewal package even if submitting the NOT documents at this point in time, as the NOT may not be acknowledged prior to permit expiration.

NOTE: As we are expecting several hundred renewal applications, they will be processed in the coming month(s) and DEP has provided through April to process renewals (without lapse in coverage, as long as the renewal application is submitted to the Conservation District prior to 12-7-2024). We hope to process them ASAP but rest assured that if you submit the renewal application prior to 12/7, it will be processed and renewed as soon as possible, and permit coverage will not lapse. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we make our way through this process.

PAG-02 renewal available beginning September 3, 2024!

All current PAG-02 permittees should have received an email from MCCD on Wednesday August 28 announcing the renewal process that will be available beginning September 3, 2024.  There will also be a training available to the public at that time which details a majority of the changes to the permit from the 2019 version.  If you did not receive the email or otherwise need the information contained in the letter, it is available by clicking here.

Please note that the District Application for Review and both one hard copy and one electronic submission will need to accompany the Renewal NOI (available here) for all renewal requests.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we make our way through this process.

Soil Health Day

Mission Statement
To protect and improve the quality of life of the residents of Montgomery County and surrounding communities by providing, in cooperation with others, timely and efficient service, education, and technical guidance, for the wise use of our soil, water, and related resources.

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday
8:15AM – 4:15PM