The Recordings from the March 17th “Stormwater Maintenance for Homeowners Associations and Property Management Companies” Webinar are now available

The recordings may be downloaded via the following links:

Shannon Healy’s presentation – “Conservation Districts and the Notice of Termination Process” –  (225MB) –

Carl Weiner’s presentation on Homeowners Association Law (635 MB) –

Jeffrey Wert’s presentation – “Homeowner Associations – Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Management Systems” (291 MB) –

Zach Shearon’s presentation “BMP Establishment / Maintenance / Repair” & the final Q&A (397 MB) –

A link for the entire presentation (1.62 GB) –  It is also available on youtube at

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Mission Statement
To protect and improve the quality of life of the residents of Montgomery County and surrounding communities by providing, in cooperation with others, timely and efficient service, education, and technical guidance, for the wise use of our soil, water, and related resources.

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday
8:15AM – 4:15PM