Forms and Resources


MCCD Review Application– Revised & effective 5/13/24

Electronic submission format guidelines – Effective 5/13/24

An updated “MCCD Review Fee Calculator” is also available in an .xlsx format to accompany the 11-1-22 fee schedule.

MCCD Pre-Application / Pre-Submission form   Please use this form to request a pre-application or pre-submission meeting with Montgomery County Conservation District. (Updated 5/1/24)

E&S Resources: NPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities, PAG-01, PAG-02, ESCGP, and Individual NPDES Permit documents including (but not limited to):

PAG-01 and PAG-02 Notice of Intent and Instructions, Individual NPDES Permit Application, Chapter 102 Permit Modules 1-4, Co-Permittee forms, County and Municipal Notification forms, Preapplication Meeting Request Form (Please do not use this form in Montgomery County), Visual Site Inspection form, and Notice of Termination documents among others.

NPDES Permit Transfer Form

Standard Operating Procedures for various DEP Programs.

Timber Harvest Plan – intended for timber harvest projects which require an E&S plan but do not require a permit.

General Information Form (GIF) and Instructions

Right To Know Requests  Submit via Montgomery County site

Sample Instrument Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants

Managed Release Concept (MRC) Whitepaper

MRC Design Summary Sheet


PA Clean Water Academy courses that are available to the public may be accessed by clicking here.

If you have not yet acknowledged your PAG-02 permit eligibility for permits that were issued prior to 12-8-2019, you have been out of compliance for a long time.  The website to do so is PAG-02 Acknowledgement Form.

The presentations given at the February 2019 Developers Workshop are available here

E&S Control Manual

Corrections for E&S Manual

List of E&S and PCSM Products approved after 2012

Emap PA

Integrated Report 2022

Cadd Files of E&S Details

E&S Standard Notes – These are the notes from Appendix C of the E&SPC Program Manual

E&S for Single Lot Residential Fact Sheet

PA Stormwater BMP Manual

Stormwater BMP Manual Fact Sheet

DEP Permit Application Consultation Tool

Chapter 93 Classification

Watershed Identification

Regional Stormwater Management Resources

Link to Villanova E&S Training Catalog

Montgomery County Soil Survey

PNDI Environmental Review Tool

General Permit ApplicationsPPC Plan Guidance


Soil Compaction Resources

Preventing Soil Compaction to Preserve Infiltration_MCCD

Avoiding Soil Compaction_Penn State Extension

Equipment Specs and Charts 

Soil Health and Compaction_Cornell University

Estimating Soil Moisture by Feel and Appearance_USDA NRCS



Mission Statement
To protect and improve the quality of life of the residents of Montgomery County and surrounding communities by providing, in cooperation with others, timely and efficient service, education, and technical guidance, for the wise use of our soil, water, and related resources.

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday
8:15AM – 4:15PM